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Monday Message: Good Time Management Is Like Good Auto Insurance!

What do good auto insurance and good time management have in common? It's quite simple, without either of them you are in for a lot of stress.

What exactly do I mean by that? Without good auto insurance you are bound to one day experience the frustration of realizing that the insurance you thought you purchased is not quite the insurance you received.

Farmers Insurance points this truth out with great humor in their popular commercials. Their hilarious commercials demonstrate quite well the frustrations people face when they settle for cheap car insurance. Here are a few of their examples:

  • Being under-covered in accidents

  • Having claims drag on forever

  • And being dropped after a single claim

If you think those examples are stressful, you will feel this same stress if you don't practice good time management. Poor time management skills will cause your days to be long and your frustrations to be high. Consider the 3 following examples:

  1. If you work without planning and prioritizing, you decrease your focus and increase your confusion. That's stressful!

  2. If you do not master delegation skills, you take on too many tasks and end up feeling overworked. That's stressful!

  3. If you allow too many interruptions and distractions, you go from emergency to emergency and experience a constant sense of urgency. That's stressful as well!

So again, what does good time management and good auto insurance have in common? They both decrease your stress and make your life a little better. Make sure you practice good time management!

For assistance with this and other personal productivity issues, contact us today!

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