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Friday Foresight: Improve Your Emotional Intelligence!

If IQ is your Intelligence Quotient, and EQ is your Emotional Intelligence Quotient, which has a greater impact on your success, your IQ or your EQ?

Well it’s often been quoted that 85% of your success is a combination of your interpersonal and communication skills, so according to this quote, EQ wins hands down.

You see, IQ is represented by your hard skills that come from qualities like smarts, education, knowledge, and experience. But EQ is represented by your soft skills that come from qualities like listening, empathy, optimism, and confidence. Are they both needed? Oh, you betcha! But if you want to improve your ability to persuade, motivate, influence, and connect with people, your people skills are the way to go.

Your Friday Foresight: Improve Your Emotional Intelligence!

You may already see the importance of improving your Emotional Intelligence, but actually achieving it is not always easy. As a matter of fact, in a recent article, LinkedIn Influencer Travis Bradberry shared data that showed that CEO's have lower Emotional Intelligence than almost anyone else. So if it’s difficult for our top leaders to improve, it has to be difficult for us all. So here’s a simple 5-step process that I think will help:

1. First, visit to score your EQ

2. Second, choose one EQ quality that you scored lower than others

3. Third, set a measurable goal to improve that quality by a certain date

4. Next, choose the appropriate training you need in order to improve

5. Finally, use a person or a system to hold you accountable

These steps are simple and easy to do, but remember, things that are easy to do are also easy not to do. So go ahead and take the first step, because the benefits you will gain will positively impact your career and catapult your success. Here’s to high EQ!

For assistance with this and other personal and professional productivity issues, contact us today!

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